Thursday, August 11, 2011

A prayer.

Being With People.

Please, i pray, may I never deem myself superior to another.
May i always be willing to hold the hands, the oh so dirty hands, and not just merely wave.
Please, i pray, may i never stop seeing the world through the eyes of a child...
Filled with opportunity, grace, forgiveness, love, and so much raw wonder in beauty.
 Please, i pray, may i never forget what the true meaning of joy is.
That it ACTUALLY means regardless..yes, regardless of circumstances...You, Jesus, truly are enough.
Please, i pray, may i never get so caught up in worry, anguish, or circumstances that i forget to care.
Forget to love.
Forget to hold.
Forget to smile.
Forget to share....oh yes, may I keep breathing those three words, "blessed TO bless."
Please, I pray, may i never forget to fall in love all over again each day.
I mean madly in love with each day.
Because love is an action.
And the day i've been given..regardless of how it may seem to an ACTION of Love from God to us, who Himself is LOVE.
Please, I pray, may i NEVER forget to be bold.
To be daring in the face of danger.
To love when it hurts.
To believe when none of it makes sense.
To speak Beauty over pain.
To be bold can even mean to share a smile, a hello even.
To pray for someone who is so hard to pray for.
Because their nasty sin was covered on the cross just as well as mine.
May i never forget.
May we never forget.

These are my thoughts.
My hope for today, and every day that comes after that.
Because we never really figure it out.
oh no we sure don't , every day we learn.
Again and again and again.

Much love :)

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