Tuesday, October 11, 2011

"On Him we have set our hope, so that He will continue to deliver us..."

It's pretty humbling, ya know.
Being challenged to see where my hope truly is.
Because all day long I can say that my hope is not in the things of this world.
My word, thats easy to just say.
But its when the things of this world are really challenged or taken away -- that I see in my utter vulnerability, where my true hope is.
And it's like how all day long, we can sing and shout that we love God.
But then in the stillness -- in the quiet.
And when things may not seem as "attractive" as we would like,
can we still say... "No, really God. I love you. I love you with my aching heart. I love who you are in spit of what's going on in the day..good or bad. I just love You. That's it."
Because it's only when we really know who god is that we can truly see what it means to love Him.
Because, God is love.
And when we really know who He is.
And what love really is.
We see, I see.
That in this fleeting world -- I can only put my hope in him.
Because everything else WILL pass away.

And from that hope -- springs joy.
And from that spring of joy -- from our knowledge  and love of who He is can we sing that, "All my fountains ARE in You."

And that's when there becomes no dividing line between the secular/spiritual in our day.

When are fountains are truly in Him, Hope springs out.
Joy flows out.
Truth is lived out.
And Jesus is shown -- in all areas of life.

Jesus is -- "I AM"

Ladies and gentlemen, Jesus is in the flow.
In all that passes by in life, He is there.

He. just. is.
And His ever presence is such a part of His beauty.

He is the beauty in life.
He is beautiful -- life is beautiful because of Him.
He does truly outshine the darkness.

So i'm learning more and more what it looks like to just hope in the Truth.

Is it careless to claim and believe that God will deliver us always when we walk in Him?
Absolutely not.
Because that is TRUTH. (2 Corinthians 1)

He calls Himself the deliverer.
And He means it.
All arguments aside,
His word is Truth.
And everything else in life is held up to this Truth.

We've had death lately.
We've had a new life brought to the world, lately.
We've had lots of sickness around lately with no doctors to help, really.
So, lately, we have had no one to count on BUT the Deliverer.
We have had no one to answer our questions here.
We've had to claim our hope and dependance fully and completely on God and God alone.
This will wreck you.
But this why I'm leaning to claim Hope.
Hope in the One who is the same throughout the ages.
Hope in the one who was
and is
and is to come.

And with that hope brings joy.

Claim. Hope. Today.

And with hope comes victory,
glory brought to our very Maker.
May He be our Hope now and forever.

And may this stir a passion in all of us to share this hope with the people around us who don't know this unending beautiful joy.

passion. don't miss it.

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